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SugarReg (60 caps)

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Price: $38.50
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Blood Sugar

SugarReg combines a researched, proprietary blend of botanicals and nutrients traditionally used to support glandular system function. This top-selling product features a field-tested blend of chromium, vanadium and non-GMO botanicals like cassia cinnamon bark, bitter melon fruit, gymnema leaves extract and nopal leaves to support already-normal-range blood sugar levels.


  • Supports the glandular system.
  • Supports already normal-range blood sugar levels.
  • Activates cell glucose transporters.
  • Supports the liver.

How It Works:

SugarReg® is a formulation of eight nutrients that support proper glandular function. Specifically, this combination helps support the bodys effort to maintain blood sugar levels that are already within the normal range.

Banaba leaf, gymnema and bitter melon provide nutrients that support the healthy function of the glandular system, particularly the pancreas. All three have been used extensively. Fenugreek supports normal blood sugar levels and provides significant antioxidant benefits. Nopal provides needed nutrients to the liver and aids in digestion. This prickly pear cactus has a well-documented history of helping the body maintain acceptable blood sugar levels. Chromium, an important trace mineral, is essential for healthy blood sugar levels. It helps insulin get into the cell. A deficiency in chromium can affect blood sugar levels. Vanadium may help the body control blood sugar because it mimics the activity of insulin. Cinnamon extract may have a positive effect on blood glucose levels.


Chromium, vanadium, cinnamon bark extract, fenugreek seeds, bitter melon fruit, gymnema leaves extract, nopal leaves and banaba leaf.

Recommended Use:

Take 1 capsule with a meal three times daily.

A top-selling product since its launch in 2004, SugarReg’s ingredients have a long history. Cinnamon has been used in both Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine for more than 2,000 years. Recent research suggests that in addition to blood sugar support, cinnamon has the potential to nurture a healthy lipid profile.

Bitter melon was first used in India and in Ayurvedic Medicine. It was added to TCM about 700 years ago when the Chinese discovered that its sour juice offered support for digestive system troubles and the respiratory system. Bitter melon has also been used in African and Turkish folk medicine.

Gymnema leaf has been used in Ayurveda for many centuries. Its Hindi nickname gurmar means “destroyer of sugar.” It was used traditionally to support the digestive system and as a liver tonic. Other names for this plant include gurmarbooti, kavali and Australian cowplant.

Image of key ingredients for Nature's Sunshine SugarReg product

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