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JP-X (100 caps)

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Price: $31.20
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Plumbing problems?  Trust the wisdom of herbal traditions! Decades of use have proven the popularity of this unique herbal blend with dong quai, juniper berry, parsley, uva ursi, and other valuable botanicals.  Uva ursi leaves and juniper berries have been used traditionally to support the urinary system and its functions.  Dong quai root has been used for many centuries to support women’s health.  JP-X features a full complement of non-GMO botanicals, including wild-crafted uva ursi leaf for maximum sustainability.  Our uva ursi grows primarily in eastern and southern Europe. Local residents go into the hills to collect the leaves in December and January when arbutin, an active constituent, is at the highest levels.


  • Supports the glandular and urinary systems.
  • Helps support the kidneys and bladder.

How It Works:

Juniper berries support the urinary system and help the body maintain proper fluid balance. Uva ursi is also known to support the urinary system as it may promote urine flow and acts to keep the urinary system clean.


Dong quai root, juniper berry (cones), parsley leaves, uva ursi leaves, ginger rhizome, marshmallow root and golden seal root extract.

Recommended Use:

Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.

Also known as female ginseng, dong quai grows in the cool mountainous climes of Asia, most notably in China, Japan and Korea. This relative of celery, carrots and parsley has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years specifically for PMS and sexual energy. Though Asia is its home turf, dong quai has been popular in Ayurveda, and it was also used by Native Americans.

Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece used juniper berries as stimulants. Their Roman neighbors used juniper as a pepper-like spice on food.

Native to Tunisia, southern Italy and other Mediterranean regions, parsley is still widely used in cooking worldwide.

Uva ursi is also called fox plum, bearberry or bear’s grape. And it was named kinnikinnick by the Algonquins who, along with some settlers, dried the leaves and mixed them with smoking tobacco. They also used the plant to make a yellow dye.

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